Friday, 29 July 2011

Waiting for more Snow…

I have been crossing my fingers for the last few days hoping that we might see some more snow here in the Southern Highlands. Since last weeks sprinkle we are hoping for a decent fall soon.  The temperatures have been dropping fast but unfortunately we have had strong winds as well, not conducive to snow falling!!  I’ve got my camera ready for the morning I wake up and all is white….

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Brief glimpse of Town and Country Bowral exhibition

As the months fly by so does the countdown to my exhibition at the Milk Factory Gallery in Bowral.  After much deliberation I have decided to call the exhibition ‘Town & Country’ as my life in beautiful Bowral shows glimpses of both!  The boutique shopping and trendy cafes in town provide us with a taste of what’s on offer in the city with the contrast of rolling green hills only minutes from the town centre. Truly the best of both worlds and without the traffic of the city!!
My exhibition will include a range of sepia toned photographic prints as well as a number of hand coloured photographs.  Here are just a few images from the exhibition:

The exhibition will run from Saturday 3rd September until 28th September at the Milk Factory Gallery, Station St Bowral.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

New poster range

Check out the poster range on the website.  For only $80 you can purchase one of Robert’s well-known images on art paper with a matte finish.  This has to be the most affordable way to purchase artwork for your walls!!  Posters can be sent to you with or without a laminated finish or even framed by Julianne, our own in-house professional framer. 

Framed prints really do make fabulous gifts for a special birthday.  If you can’t decide what to buy for a male who’s turning 21 have a look at the Beaches section on the website.  These amazing images of surf and sand would look great on anyone’s wall.  If it’s a friend’s 40th then the landscapes section or the European category may have something to suit.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Commercial Photography

Just recently Robert has been contracted by a number of companies to take shots of their staff in formal and informal settings.  These photographs are then used for company reports or displayed on the walls of the head office.  With years of experience in portraiture Robert is skilled at getting the most out of people so the results of these sessions have been great – even the group shot of 60 people taken from the top of a ladder was a good one!  Keep Robert in mind if you are looking for someone to photograph your staff at the annual conference or you need project shots for your annual report.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Our ‘New Look’ Portrait Section

Portraits capture a certain time in our lives and make wonderful gifts for family members.  We have revamped our portrait website so please, take a look!

We have created many different categories so you can see sample of Robert’s portraiture work with young people, elderly people and our four legged friends!!  To get a pricelist simply email or call us today to discuss our portrait packages.